Friday, May 27, 2011


1. the way a surface, substance or piece of cloth feels when you touch it, for example how rough, smooth, hard or soft it is.
2. Because it shoots out. It stands out.
3. They create patterns and symmetrical shapes.
4.Tree Bark, Because it can be rough or smooth.
5. It invites the lens forward t reproduce their touchable qualities.
6. Because it has differ 'faces

" .. smooth, hard, rocky , etc.
7. twisted roots, roughly chopped fire piles, shavings and splinters
8.Brick wall outside , Keyboards, Lockers. 
9. You can find rope in the gym , and quality it has is Rough and fraying or smoothly waxed, the many different sizes of rope.
10. Smooth, cool and reflective, rusty, tarnished and dull, metal easily gives up its age and provides the photographer with another great texture to work on.

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