Friday, March 11, 2011

14 Ways to Improve Your Photography :

- 14 Ways to Improve your Photography
1. Q : Why is looking at art important for being a better photographer ?
A : It's important to visit a museum because that way you can get more ideas.

2. Q : Why should you change your perspective ?
A : You should change your perspective because you need to try different stuff & it gives you a creative boost.

3. Q : Why is taking fewer pictures important ?
A : Less pictures will give you more creativity .

4. Q : Why should you never think you're the best at something ?
A : Because there's always one way you can change at.

5. Q : What is the " Golden Ratio . "
A : Common ratio. The ratio is believed to make things appealing to the human eye

6. Q : Why should you use the Golden Ratio ?
A : Because that way you can capture good pictures.

7. Q : What is the difference between inspiration and creativity ?
A: In Inpiration you are kind of mocking someone else work. In creativity you do your work .

- It's about light :
1. Q : What can Lighting conditions at noon do to a photo of a person ?
A : It can make a person look like a raccoon.  ( High high overhead noon light )

2. Q : What are the " Golden Hours" for sunlight ?
A : Its the two hours of sunrise & the two hours of sunset.

3. Q : List the 3 examples given of why light is more interesting during the " golden hours."
A : 1. Shape & Texture, 2. Warmer , So more attractive colours. 3. Highlights & Shadows.

4. Q : How can cloud cover effect a photograph ?
A : It covers the light , so you wont get no shadows , or highlights.

5. Q : Explain why the photos taken at 5:18pm are different , and what makes one more interesting than the other .
A : They're different because one photo has shadows & more light while the other one has nothing just plain. I think the one with the shadows of the brances is more interesting because it has  more life to it.

Daily Image 3/11/11

1. Q : What do you see ?
A : I see seven little kids holding guns in what looks like a prairie.

2.Q : What colors , Shapes , Lines?
A: Green , Brown , blue , white. Straight lines .

3. Q : Use to write down 5 expressive words that relate to the image :
A : Scary , Creative , Fun , a Blast , playfulness.

4. Q : Interpret the photograph . What is the meaning of this image?
A: Maybe its some kids playing around having fun thinking they in the army.

5. Q : In a full sentence , explain how this image uses one of the rule of composition listed below :
A: its clear ,  You can focus basically on everything.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Daily Image March 4, 2011

- I chose this photo because it's really sad how this happened to innocent lives.
- My reactions will have to be sad and kind of mad how people just kind of gave up on helping them .
- Maybe this means a kid who is remembering the old times before the earthquake happened. Or his parents died in the spot and he is remembering them.
- The photographer might have wanted us to feel sad & none happiness , Because a lot of kids lost their houses & education because of mother nature !!
( Haiti Earthquake: January , 12 , 2010 )