Friday, April 29, 2011

The Color Purple Planning :

1. What is the passage # you were given? What pages from the book ?
A: Number One , Pages 22-23.

2. List all the emotion words that can be found in the passage :
A: Fear, Love, Scared.

3.What colors can symbolize the mood and emotion of the passage?
A: Black & Red.

4. What sentence in the passage do you think conveys a sense of emotion? Why?
A:  " He beat me like he beat the children." It makes you sad , angry , and feel fear.

5. The photos im going to take are?
A: - Hands holding a belt.
- Eyes peaking through a tree.
- Photo of a tree, photo of eyes, Combine in photoshop.
- A boy winking & a girl looking away.

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